Magnesium: The Most Powerful Relaxation Mineral

Published on August 26 2019

There is no denying it that Magnesium is a relaxation mineral. The importance of Magnesium can never be over-emphasized as its deficiency can make you irritable, crampy, tight and stiff. It is the only mineral responsible for more than 300 enzyme reactions in the body.

For energy generation in the cell, relaxation of the muscles and stabilization of membranes, Magnesium plays critical roles in the production of energy and protein in the body needed for the general body function. Hence, disorders associated with magnesium deficiency are so many.

Sadly, the actual recognition magnesium deserves in the medical world has yet to be given, because it is not a drug; therefore it is often ignored. However, the truth is, Magnesium is always useful in cases of emergencies and life-threatening situations in hospitals such as heart failure and seizures.

The following symptoms should be carefully watched out for. If you experience one or multiple of these, it could be that you are suffering from magnesium deficiency.

·        Irritability

·        Insomnia

·        Anxiety

·        Autism

·        Angina

·        Palpitations

·        Muscle cramps or twitches

·        Sensitivity to loud noises

·        Anal spasms

·        Migraines

·        Chronic fatigues

·        Asthma

·        Kidney stones

·        Diabetes

·        Obesity

·        Osteoporosis

·        PMS

·        High blood pressure

·        Menstrual cramps

·        Trouble swallowing

·        Reflux

·        Irritable bladder

·        Inflammation in the body

·        Higher CRP levels

Without over-blowing it, it has been reported that over 65 percent of people admitted to the intensive care unit are Magnesium deficient. It is a big problem in our current society, and many people are not battling eyelids.

Hence, there is need to be aware of the importance of Magnesium and what its deficiency can cause if not taken care of.

The good news for those experiencing one or multiple of these symptoms listed above is, it can be corrected.

Here a list for you to check on a daily basis:

1.   Always practice active relaxation.

2.   Limits coffee, salt, sugar, and alcohol intake.

3.   Don`t drain your body of Magnesium through inadequate dietary intake of food rich in magnesium and high intake of alcohol for e.g.

4. Always eat foods high in magnesium. Foods such as wheat bran, almonds, Brazil nuts, millet, pecans, rye, figs, dates, collard greens, shrimp, avocado, parsley, barley, garlic, dandelion greens, and walnut.

5.   Consult with your doctor always.

No doubt, Magnesium is a miracle mineral and a powerful relaxation mineral. Most powerful is the transdermal magnesium that has been making deserved-waves recently in the market. It is very potent, effective and gets absorbed easily unlike other nutrients by bypassing the digestive system easily.



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