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Cleansing / Detoxiyfying with Magnesium Chloride

Published on February 04 2020

Many people need to cleanse their body as we can't run away from the toxic world the human being has created. It becomes essential for a functional body to be cleansed from these toxins in our food water air etc. So I wanted to share an inexpensive way to cleanse your intestines.

Magnesium Chloride Intestinal Cleanse

How to Use Magnesium Oxide for an Intestinal Cleanse

Magnesium oxide cleanses small intestines and colon.  It has been used for over a century in naturopathic medicine as a safe natural laxative to cleanse the entire digestive tract with oxygen -  It is gentle and non-habit forming.

Cleansing with magnesium chloride for one week is like having a colonic, and it cleans the small intestine, which a colonic does not. It is claimed to remove impacted food matter, heavy metals, and anaerobic pathogens by dissolving the waste build-up.  Supposedly, it is used by NASA to detoxify astronauts’ digestive tracts in preparation for outer space. Proprietary blends with magnesium oxide and/or chloride are found but these tend to be expensive.

How often to do cleanse?

  • To cleanse the entire digestive tract - Take first thing in the morning and the last thing at night for 1 week;
  • For maintenance - use it one time per week.

Instructions for using Magnesium Chloride

  • Drink 250ml of water (room temperature) mixed with 1 level tsp Magnesium Chloride
  • Immediately drink the juice of 1/2 a fresh lemon (the catalyst to activate the oxygen in the stomach) diluted with 60ml to 120ml of clean spring/borehole water
  • Take Magnesium Chloride on an empty stomach and wait 90 minutes before eating.
  • Access to a bathroom is advised after each serving! - It will create a watery bowel movement which indicates it is working. It is not a sickness type of diarrhoea - Any magnesium-based laxative works by the body drawing water into the bowel to flush out the excess magnesium you consumed. Some oxygen is also released into the body.
  • You absolutely MUST DRINK EXTRA WATER to replenish the water used!
  • If your reaction to the cleanse is too strong, cut down the amount of magnesium chloride taken when the next dose is required.
  • Take any other medicine and magnesium chloride at least 2 hours apart
  • Ensure that you inform your healthcare practitioner that you are taking magnesium chloride


It is vitally important after ANY type of bowel or intestinal cleanse, that you repopulate the gut with healthy bacteria.  To do this we recommend daily 'doses' of sauerkraut or other fermented foods. 



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